
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
A Humble Walk
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Message #4 in a sermon series entitled, Common Threads of walking with God, based on Scripture from Exodus 33:7-11. We can see in these verses that Moses was a man that made meeting with God in prayer his priority. He was reminded everyday how desperately he needed guidance and direction from the Lord. Moses developed such an intimacy with God that he was considered a dear friend and met with his Lord face to face. A humble attitude is directly related to our closeness and dependency upon our God.

Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
A Walk of Obedience
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Message #3 in series entitled 'Common Threads', based on (Genesis 6:5-10). Noah was a faithful follower who walked with God when the whole world had rebelled. The fruit of that relationship was a Righteous life style. Noah was called blameless in the eyes of God, he was the beneficiary of Divine grace, and he was a bold preacher of righteousness for many years. What would happen in your life if you walked close to God every day?

Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
A Sacrifice to Remember
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
A Memorial Day message, including some patriotic songs from our choir. Sermon based on (2 Timothy 2:3-9) We can be very proud of all our faithful soldiers that gave so much to protect all of our freedoms."All gave some and some gave all." A good soldier must be determined and stay focused, they also must be driven to finish the race, and finally must be dilligent to work hard. We have thousands of great soldiers to remember, but only one Holy Soldier to Worship. Let us remember the high price paid for our freedom!

Wednesday May 23, 2018
3 Keys to a Close Walk
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Second Message in Sermon series called Common Threads; based on Genesis 5 and Hebrews 11. Enoch was a man who walked with God and we can learn three valuable lessons from him. A relationship with God requires Devotion on our part. A fellowship with our Lord is fueled by absolute Dependance and strong faith in Him. And finally just like in any relationship; a walk with God requires Determination and committment. Could your walk with God be better?

Wednesday May 16, 2018
Blessings of a Godly Mom
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Wednesday May 16, 2018
This message was given on Mother's Day and comes out of Proverbs 31:10-31. We see that a Mother's worth is priceless, Her work is never finnished, Her heart is overflowing with compassion, she is blessed with Godly wisdom, and mom is worthy of our Grattitude. The best moms walk with their Lord and inspire their families to follow Him by faith. Thank you moms for all you do!!!

Tuesday May 08, 2018
Legacy of Loyalty
Tuesday May 08, 2018
Tuesday May 08, 2018
This message was delivered on Senior Appreciation Sunday, and comes from 2 Samuel, chapters 17&19. We meet a loyal servant to the king named Barzillai. He risked his life ministering to David's needs and instead of allowing the king to bless him in responce; he instead passed the blessing on to his family. Some of king David's last words to his son Solomon, included grattitude for Barzillai's faithfulness. What legacy are we leaving for our families?

Monday Apr 30, 2018
A Pure Walk
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Monday Apr 30, 2018
The first message in a new sermon series entitled "Common Threads". This message is taken from Genesis 3:8-11; 21 and is called A Pure Walk. Think about Adam and Eve's perfect relationship with God before the fall. We see the terrible consequences of rebelling agaist our creater and the matchless Love of God that made a way back into His loving arms. Where are you in your personal walk with the Lord? May we all draw closer!

Tuesday Apr 24, 2018
The Comfortable Church
Tuesday Apr 24, 2018
Tuesday Apr 24, 2018
Sermon #7 in series entitled "Letters to the Seven Churches" Rev. 3:14-22 The Lord does not have anything good to say about the church at Laodicea. Many believe this particular church best represents the typical modern day church of our world. These christians had slumped into an attitude of spiritual apathy. When God looked at their spiritual lives He testified that they were spiritually bankrupt! They were very wealthy materially , but they were completely dry in their relationship with God. Because the Lord loves them, He offers them a clear road back to spiritual fervency. How about you and me; do we need to heed His call?

Tuesday Apr 17, 2018
Defender of the Faithful
Tuesday Apr 17, 2018
Tuesday Apr 17, 2018
sermon #6 in series entitled "Letters to the Seven Churches" Rev. 3:7-13 What a comfort it is to know that our Lord sees everything that we go through and encourages us to keep on going. The church at Philadelphia was extremely faithful and Jesus promised to bless them with opportunities for fruitful ministry, protection from the enemy's schemes, and a coming glorious reward. The good news is He will do the same for you!

Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
Wake Up Call
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
The 5th message in a sermon series entitled, Letters to the Seven Churches. In Revelation 3:1-6 we find Jesus' words to the church that had fallen asleep spiritually, at Sardis. We can see clearly in this passage three things that can put a christian and even a church to sleep if we're not careful. They are the trap of empty routines, the pride of depending only on our own abilities, and finally the problem of divided loyalties. Do we need a wake up?