
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Reasons To Rejoice
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Tuesday Nov 20, 2018
Sometimes we can allow difficulties to steal our joy and instead of giving thanks we give only a sour look. This sermon is based on Psalm 96 and reminds us that the source of every joy comes from God, He truly is the fountain of every blessing. Be reminded of His splendor and holiness, be reminded of His love and grace, be reminded that he has a plan and purpose for everything, and that He loves you just the way you are. One day He will return; are you ready?

Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Safe and Secure
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
This is a message preached on Veterans Day based on a passage of Scripture found in Psalm 144. In this Psalm we are reminded that God is our true source of protection. We are also instructed that it is the Lord who equips us for battle and who provides safety in the midst of conflicts. Finally we are called to respond with grateful hearts of praise to our God, but to also honor all those who have fought valiantly in our stead. May God draw our nation's hearts back to Himself and continue to bless our shores with peace.

Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
A Gift To Bring
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
This message was preached on the day of our Team Ministry Fair and is based on Scripture found in Romans 12:3-8. The Lord has blessed every believer with a wonderful, unique gift that He wants us to put into practice. We are called to serve Him with a selfless attitude and to follow His example of humility. We must serve with a healthy attitude of a team spirit. Finally every child of God is called to pray and seek His guidance as we look for that special place to serve our King. Are you ready to get to work?

Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
The Cost of the Call
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
This message is a continuation of a sermon series entitled 'The Mission Goes On'. This sermon is based on Scripture found in Acts 14:8-20. The call to live for God is not an easy life, but it is the best life and filled with Heavenly rewards. We will discover the call of God will result in much hardwork and perseverance; the call requires us to serve with complete humility at all times; and finally the call often results in years of incredible sacrifice and persecution. Have you truly answered the call of God in your life?

Monday Oct 22, 2018
The Power of Prayer
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Monday Oct 22, 2018
This message is a continuation of a sermon series entitled 'The Mission Goes on'.This sermon is based on Scripture found in Acts 12:1-19 and emphasizes some essentials to a meaningful prayer life. We will discover as we dig into God's Word that prayer can bring peace in the midst of the most desperate struggles; that prayer can rescue people from inexscapable chains; and finaly when we call upon the name of God for help miracles can happen. So are you ready to be reminded of the power of prayer?

Thursday Oct 18, 2018
Are You Like Jonah
Thursday Oct 18, 2018
Thursday Oct 18, 2018
This is a message from Dr. Larry Cheek, the Director of Stone Mountain Baptist Association. Scripture comes from the Book of Jonah and challenges each of us to listen to God's voice and to be available to serve as He leads. He has already placed a clear call on our lives to love Him with all our heart and to love one another as Christ loved us. How do you respond when God tells you to go?

Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
From Monster to Missionary
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
This is message #7 of a sermon series entitled The Mission Goes On. This sermon is based on Scripture found in Acts 9:1-25. In these verses we will see what happens when an angry misguided man has an encounter with the Living God! Everything changes; he has new life, a new purpose, and a new mission. Saul is transformed to the Apostle Paul and instead of trying to destroy the work of God he becomes an amazing church planter. I wonder what would happen in your life if you trully met the Living God?

Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Mission Celebration
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Brother Kenny Cash who leads Uplift Ministry in downtown Atlanta was our speaker for our annual Mission Celebration. Kenny has been involved in inner city ministry for over 25 years and has a passion to reach the youth with the Gospel. Uplift ministries uses summer camps, leadership training, and sports to reach teenage boys with the love of God. Stay tuned and enjoy some very exciting real life stories of how God has worked in so many young lives. Be encouraged and realize He wants to do the same thing in your life!

Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Spread the Joy
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
This is message #6 in a sermon series entitled 'The Mission Goes On'. This sermon is entitled Spread the Joy and is based on Scriptures found in Acts 8:4-8 & 26-34. We will clearly see the Gospel has the power to break through any dividing walls of hostility or racial divide. The beauty of our compassionate God is that He persues each of us in His own unique way and wants us to come to saving faith. And finally, our Savior has called every Christian to be a faithful witness and to do all we can to spread the joy. So are you up for the challenge?

Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Becoming a Bold Witness
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
This is message #5 in a sermon series entitled 'The Mission Goes On'. This message is based on Scriptures found in Acts 4:8-22. The Lord had just done an incredible miracle through His disciples, Peter and John. As hard as it is to believe, the Religious leaders of that day were terrified that people would hear the Gospel message and accept Jesus as their Messiah. These Apostles boldly proclaimed ear. that Jesus is Lord, despite the grave threats from these blind leaders. They relied completely on Divine wisdom and power and continued to preach the Gospel without fear.